   So curiosity invites connection and curiosity is where we want to stay anchored in. Our responsibility is to tune into what's happening in our nervous system. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:50:47 przez www, 0
   That is normal human experience and it's not when we get pulled out of regulation, that we suffer. The problem is when we get pulled out and get stuck there, we can't find the way back. Then we suffer. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:48:31 przez www, 1
   none of us are regulated all the time. No human being can be regulated all the time. It is biologically impossible. We have fluctuations in moving in and out of regulation, that are normal and expected. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:46:52 przez www, 0
   The nervous system doesn't assign motivation. Doesn't say: good or bad. Doesn't make moral meaning. Our brain systems do that. Our nervous system simply acts.#SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:43:15 przez www, 0
   And no matter how irrational or crazy the thought, feeling, your behavior might seem in the moment. We want to remember that the nervous system is simply acting to ensure your survival #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:42:50 przez www, 1
   The nervous system uses this philosophy „safety first”. It always is looking to assess: is this safe or not safe in this moment #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:42:08 przez www, 0
   So physical symptoms, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are the nervous system trying to tell us something. The nervous system is trying to communicate and this is the language it uses #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:41:32 przez www, 0
   It's not so much what happened to you. It is how your nervous system responded to that. That's what determines what happens next. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:24:43 przez www, 3
   We have a pathway that takes us to connection. Or into protection. The event doesn't lead directly to connection or protection. It's your nervous system response that determines which pathway you're going to travel. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:22:52 przez www, 2
   your experience doesn't begin in your brain. It begins in your body. And we're always engaging with the nervous system. You can't get away from your own nervous system. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/27 19:18:34 przez www, 1
   [^tygryziolek] That relaxation response is where change can happens. #SomaticTherapy (i tyle na temat, za przeproszeniem, wychodzenia ze strefy komfortu, grrr)
2023/09/21 21:42:44 przez www, 2
   Be comfortable with not knowing. Be very curious. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/21 21:37:03 przez www, 1
   Pay attention to how the body has learned to organize itself. You’ll see the Wisdom of the body in organizing, to protect itself and organizing. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/21 21:36:22 przez www, 1
   attachment phobia can develop. when the attachment system would turn on to try to seek comfort, at the same time they perceive it as threatening. It evokes at the same time trauma responses, like freeze, fight, flight, submit. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/21 21:33:52 przez www, 0
   [^tygryziolek] This allows for that observer capacity to start to develop. To differentiate from having a trauma response to „I'm becoming aware that I'm having a trauma response here and now, but here is safe” #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/21 21:17:03 przez www, 1
   Traumatic experiences are always happening within a social context and are shaped by social conditions. #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/21 19:36:18 przez www, 1
   dziś zajęcia prowadzi Hiszpanka, mówiąca z akcentem. "state" wymawia "estate" i za każdym razem, kiedy mówi "somatic estate" mam mindfucka. A ta fraza powtarza się w każdym akapicie :) #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/21 19:34:56 przez www, 1
   przed dzisiejszym warsztatem zrobiłam sobie dzbanek herbaty, żeby sobie popijać w trakcie. właśnie natknęłam się na pełny, wystygły już, dzbanek w kuchni. Gabor Mate opowiadał tak ciekawie o traumie w ciele, że zapomniałam o świecie #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/19 21:02:08 przez www, 2
   6 pytań od Gabora Mate w prezencie #SomaticTherapy

Pobierz obrazek (49.2kiB)
2023/09/19 20:54:34 przez www, 2
   Daily mindfulness is the most powerful tool to make you be aware of your stress reaction and grab it before it grabs you #SomaticTherapy
2023/09/19 20:52:24 przez www, 0
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