   "Is Antonio Banderas a vampire?" "No" "Can I make him a vampire?" "No. Wait. On second thought, go do that. Take your time." Spike i Harmony cute :-) #Buffy
2010/09/14 20:24:38, 0
   "What you've got in the basket, little girl?" "Weapons" "Oh" "Just in case" #Buffy FTW
2010/09/14 22:25:05, 0
   "Willow, let's be realistic here. Your basic spells are basically fifty-fifty." "Oh yeah?! Well... so's your face!" #Buffy
2010/09/14 22:46:56, 0
   #Angel widocznie słabszy od #Buffy, mniej fajnych dialogów, nie ma Willow, ale myślę że i tak będę oglądać :-)
2010/09/14 23:10:51, 0
   "Maybe you're trying too hard? Doesn't this happen to every vampire?" "Not to me it doesn't!" #Buffy (mam nadzieję że radosne rżenie nie budzi sąsiadów ;->)
2010/09/15 04:49:22, 0
   "'ll make him die in ways he can't even imagine ... That probably would have sounded more commanding if I wasn't wearing my yummy sushi pajamas." #Buffy
2010/09/16 15:08:33, 0
   #Angel w sumie się rozkręca, nie jest taki fajny jak #Buffy ale scenarzyści też się nie cackają z postaciami. No to teraz pora na 5/2 sezon :-)
2010/09/18 00:49:34, 0
   "Where did you get that accent, Sesame Street? Van, too, tree, tree victims, mwahahaha!" "Xander, I'm pretty sure that's Dracula" "Wow, really?" #Buffy :-)
2010/09/18 01:07:16, 0
   "I've lived in Sunnydale a couple of years now. Know what I never noticed before?" "Uh, a castle?" "A big, haunted castle." #Buffy nadal trzyma poziom tekstów
2010/09/18 01:29:04, 0
   Rzeczywistość w #Buffy jest ewidentnie równie trwała co guma do żucia, ale w sumie trzyma się konwencji :-)
2010/09/18 02:35:24, 0
   Efekty łączenia oglądania #Buffy z czytaniem #Fuller_Memorandum - #śniłomisię że gonił mnie morderczy demon w ciele 5-letniej dziewczynki zombie
2010/09/18 13:04:46, 0
   "Just once I would like to run into a cult of bunny worshippers" "Great! Thank you very much for those nightmares!" Anya jest doskonałą postacią :-) #Buffy
2010/09/20 04:22:48, 0
   "You dated a troll?" "And were what, surprised by this?" Willow FTW :-) #Buffy
2010/09/20 21:35:22, 0
   "Do we really need weapons for this?" "I just like them. They make me feel all manly" Spike uroczy :-) #Buffy
2010/09/06 02:37:52, 0
   "No weapon forged can harm me!" "That was then. This is now." "What's that do?" #Buffy dialogi jak zwykle dobre :-)
2010/09/09 00:09:55, 0
   #Warehouse_13 wygląda jak crossover z #Mad_Men i #Buffy (Principal Snyder :-))
2010/09/09 01:37:13, 0
   "Like barrier, a no shoes, no pulse, no service kind of deal?" #Buffy
2010/09/09 23:08:50, 0
   "Buffy, you were right. I've done some homework and found out the only solution is the final solution" "Nuke... the school? I like that" #Buffy :-)
2010/09/10 19:30:12, 0
   "It's about time our high school excelled at something." "You're forgetting our high mortality rate." "We're number one!" kocham Willow :-)) #Buffy
2010/09/11 00:41:52, 0
   Z braku #seriali SF od oglądania puściłem sobie pilota #Buffy - zobaczymy jak wejdzie :-)
2010/09/04 14:27:17, 0
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