sithian: #NYT: "Breaking News: Hope Hicks, a close aide to President Trump who traveled with him to a rally in Minnesota yesterday, tested positive for the coronavirus". Ile to problemów by rozwiązało... |
2020/10/02 04:08:46 przez www, 4 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "The European Commission announced that it was pressing ahead with legal action against Britain over Brexit legislation that the government in London has said would permit it to break international law". |
2020/10/01 14:07:53 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "More than 323,000 accusations of misconduct against current and former New York City police officers were published online on Thursday after a long and contentious political battle to open police discipline records to public scrutiny". |
2020/08/20 23:08:06 przez www, 1 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "President Trump must provide his tax returns to the Manhattan district attorney, a federal judge ruled on Thursday, again rejecting the president’s arguments". |
2020/08/20 16:36:46 przez www, 1 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "Breaking News: Steve Bannon, President Trump’s former aide, was charged with fraud in a scheme tied to “We Build the Wall,” an online fund-raising effort". |
2020/08/20 16:21:42 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "In the first half of June, more than 520,000 Democrats registered to vote. That’s a nearly 50% increase over the previous month’s total and a rate that outpaced Republicans in nearly every state during those 2 weeks". |
2020/08/13 03:27:54 przez www, 3 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "The sheriff in Marion County, Florida, forbade his deputies from wearing masks while on duty, with some exceptions, and barred visitors to his offices from wearing them". |
2020/08/13 02:51:21 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "The effort to get Kanye West on the ballot as a third-party candidate in several states is increasingly looking like an operation run by President Trump’s allies and Republican activists that is aimed at diverting votes from Joe Biden". |
2020/08/06 03:39:00 przez www, 1 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "At a signing of the Great American Outdoors Act, President Trump stumbled over the word “Yosemite” in his prepared text, pronouncing it “Yo Semites” instead". |
2020/08/04 19:54:33 przez www, 1 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "Breaking News: A long-awaited blood test for Alzheimer’s is in reach, scientists say. It could speed up treatment research and aid in diagnosing dementia patients". |
2020/07/28 18:52:39 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "12 Felician sisters, ranging in age from 69 to 99, worked and lived together at a Michigan convent. They all died from #Covid-19 and its effects within a month. In June, a 13th sister died after contracting the virus". |
Pobierz obrazek (36.1kiB)
2020/07/23 14:35:18 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "Breaking News: President Trump pivoted from rosy projections about the virus, saying it would “get worse before it gets better” and urging Americans to wear masks". |
2020/07/22 00:07:15 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "Breaking News: President Trump plans to again try to block prosecutors from seeking his tax returns, his lawyers said, days after a Supreme Court ruling against him". Ależ on musi się bać ujawnienia swoich finansów. |
2020/07/15 18:42:37 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "The Trump administration ordered hospitals to bypass the CDC and send all Covid-19 patient information to a central database in Washington. The move has alarmed health experts who fear the data will be politicized or withheld from the public". |
2020/07/15 13:30:48 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "A New York judge ruled that Mary Trump, the niece of President Trump, could legally go ahead with the publication of her explosive tell-all memoir, ending a whirlwind of last-minute litigation to try to stop the book". |
2020/07/14 05:10:31 przez www, 3 ♥
sithian: [^agba] Już #NYT uzupełnił: "Breaking News: The Supreme Court won’t allow Congress to access President Trump’s financial records for now, all but ensuring they won’t be released before November". |
2020/07/09 16:41:05 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: ♥♥♥ #NYT: "Breaking News: President Trump can’t deny prosecutors access to his financial records, the Supreme Court ruled, giving them access that he has worked hard to block". #dobrewiadomości |
2020/07/09 16:21:23 przez www, 6 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "Thailand approved a draft bill that would give same-sex couples many of the same rights as those of heterosexual marriages, including adopting children and jointly owning property". |
2020/07/09 13:33:52 przez www, 4 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "President Trump pressured public health experts to water down recommendations for how U.S. schools could reopen safely and threatened to cut funding for districts that defied his demand to resume classes in person". |
2020/07/09 04:29:40 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #NYT: "Weeks after President Trump demanded that houses of worship in the U.S. be allowed to reopen, new outbreaks of the coronavirus are surging through churches across the country where services have resumed". #covid |
2020/07/08 18:43:46 przez www, 0 ♥