   #NYT przebił się przez cały raport Muellera i pokazuje skalę powiązań Trumpa z Rosją: []

Pobierz obrazek (251.1kiB)
2019/04/20 03:17:10 przez www, 1
   U, grubo, #NYT donosi: "Pilots on a doomed Ethiopian jet followed Boeing's safety protocol and wrestled with the automated system, a preliminary report said".
2019/04/04 20:47:05 przez www, 0
   #NYT: "The chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, Robin Hayes, has been charged in connection with an effort to bribe the state’s insurance commissioner through campaign donations". Tacy uczciwi, z takimi wartościami.
2019/04/02 19:43:10 przez www, 0
   #Brexit #NYT: [^sithian] → overwhelmingly, twice. If she cannot persuade lawmakers to accept her plan, Mrs. May will get a shorter delay in exiting the European Union — until April 12. →
2019/03/22 00:34:20 przez www, 0
   #Brexit #NYT: "After hours of talks, the leaders decided that Britain’s exit date will be pushed back to May 22 if next week Mrs. May can persuade lawmakers in Parliament to accept her plan for leaving the bloc, which they have already rejected →
2019/03/22 00:33:23 przez www, 0
   #NYT: "A lawyer for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner said that in addition to a private email account, Kushner uses an unofficial encrypted messaging service, WhatsApp, for official White House business, including with foreign contacts".
2019/03/21 23:32:02 przez www, 1
   #NYT o #kot.kach ;) []

Pobierz obrazek (51.1kiB)
2016/11/27 20:59:05 przez www, 2
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