leafnode: w00t, shorthand array syntax for #PHP in 5.4. Now I'd like to have strings as first class objects (yeah, I know Zeev said they won't be). |
2011/07/25 09:35:20 przez api, 0 ♥
leafnode: I will give #silex a try, but I'm having some doubts - couldn't find any performance tests. #php |
2011/11/05 13:21:08 przez api, 0 ♥
leafnode: Framework/vendor/libA, Framework/vendor/libB/vendor/libA, Framework/vendor/libC/vendor/{libA,libB}. Microframework with libs==140MB ;) #php |
2011/11/30 00:52:46 przez api, 0 ♥
leafnode: Getting into a micro-framework was a mistake. Especially one from a different ecosystem than the "big" one I'm preferring. #php |
2011/12/13 13:03:17 przez api, 0 ♥
leafnode: Memory usage in #PHP arrays [t.co] That's why I converted my large file parser to C++. |
2011/12/16 13:11:21 przez api, 0 ♥
leafnode: "If #PHP Were British" was posted on 20 August 2011, and is still almost daily on twitter ;) |
2012/02/15 09:35:20 przez api, 0 ♥
leafnode: It makes me wonder, why so many people state they hate #php, but they still use it... |
2012/03/20 12:39:57 przez api, 0 ♥
leafnode: Aaaaand now we're gonna have a flood of "fractal of bad design" links on #php hashtag |
2012/04/11 10:25:34 przez api, 0 ♥
leafnode: #php has its flaws. Some you can deal with, some can't (eg. function naming - it'd break BC). But do I care if it has references or aliases? |
2012/04/11 10:25:34 przez api, 0 ♥
leafnode: RT @MichelBartz: Hey you out there! If you are thinking about writing a blog post about how bad #PHP is. Please don't. Really, we don't ... |
2012/04/11 13:33:54 przez api, 0 ♥
futomaki: Hahaha, oj, głupiutki panie waleniu! Przecież else if i elseif w #php, to dwie zupełnie różne rzeczy... 5 minut zastanawiania się, czemu się nie parsuje... :( |
2011/01/08 00:32:17, 0 ♥
futomaki: mam w #php zmienną $zmienna z adresem url. Chcę żeby automagicznie znalazła się w clipboardzie (najlepiej bez klikania w nic). Pomocy! |
2010/03/07 14:33:42, 0 ♥
futomaki: Porządki w #php i #css na futomaki.pl [futomaki.pl] Pozbyłem się wielu sztuczek, które powodowały, że zmiana czegokolwiek ruszała na raz 5 innych rzeczy. |
2010/02/10 15:34:13, 0 ♥