fogel: //blabler.pl/s/im-468912409 if this is what you wanna believe in, I'm not able to disturb it ;) |
2011/04/26 14:59:31, 0 ♥
fogel: //blabler.pl/s/im-468906323 this is internet. You tag it <sarcasm></sarcasm> here. |
2011/04/26 14:54:19, 0 ♥
fogel: //blabler.pl/s/im-467987939 you will never be alone in the net. It is vast and infinite, but overcrowded #nocnemarki |
2011/04/26 02:23:41, 0 ♥
fogel: strzel mnie ktoś... napalam się na coś niepewnego i nakręcam na prawie niemożliwe... Fogel the fool. |
2011/04/26 02:09:05, 0 ♥
fogel: //blabler.pl/s/im-467756973 //blabler.pl/s/im-467754015 a mnie? |
2011/04/25 23:32:01, 0 ♥
fogel: Urywam sobie od blipa bo zaraz splonkujęcałe universum. Ogólnie nie ruszać... only those chosen can. |
2011/04/25 18:32:18, 0 ♥