
Opracowuje nowe oznaczenia priortytetów dla ticketów. "meh" "pops up, we can live with it" "we have a workaround, but it sucks" "not showstopper, but bloody annoying" "I'll cut myself up if I see it again" "users will kill us if it goes to prod"
2016/09/12 11:29:42 przez www, 9 , 3

Lubią to: ^wiku, ^jajcus, ^sithian, ^bies, ^arturcz, ^kociokwik, ^ochdowuja, ^boni01, ^ister,
^ochdowuja: [^srebrna] #pomysłnastartup totalnie chciałabym taki bug tracker #zżyciatostera
2016/09/12 11:30:47
^ister: [^srebrna] chceto! (moze by dotarło do PM-a, dlaczego jedne tickety robimy od razu a inne nie)
2016/09/12 11:32:36
^srebrna: [^srebrna] "we use this once a year, fix it before Easter" "we use it once a year and IT'S TOMORROW" "we can just lie down and die, nothing's working"
2016/09/12 11:32:47