
If you love something set it free if it comes back it’s yours if it doesn’t hunt it down and kill it
2014/02/11 11:17:13 przez xmpp, 2 , 4

Lubią to: ^matemaciek, ^anntosia,
^alquana: [^kaworu] If you love something set it free if it comes back - it’s yours if it doesn’t - there is a cliff ahead.
2014/02/11 11:17:46
^zakius: [^kaworu] nah, just hide in the shadows and stalk it till it loves you back :D
2014/02/11 11:18:19
^ecce_deleted: [^kaworu] a jak ktoś kocha piniądze? :-)
2014/02/11 12:16:41
^funke: [^kaworu] [^alquana] [^zakius] Boję się Was.
2014/02/11 12:53:15