   "I mean, if I had shouted blue murder every time someone tried to kiss me at Eton I'd have gone hoarse within a month." Aaaaaa. LOL. #Downton_Abbey #seriale
2012/11/07 02:50:47, 0
   "Robert, people like us are never unhappily married." Dowager-Countess trzyma poziom :-) #Downton_Abbey #seriale
2012/10/24 19:34:44, 0
   "These days a working woman must have a skill." "But you seem to have so many." Dowager-Countess can be a real bitch :-) #Downton_Abbey #seriale
2012/10/29 16:40:41, 0
   "The family must _never_ be a topic of conversation." Ach, Dame Maggie Smith. W końcu! #Downton_Abbey #seriale
2012/09/19 22:20:02, 0
   "Sir Richard, life is a game in which the player must appear ridiculous" Dowager-Countess ciągle doskonała, szkoda że mi się #Downton_Abbey kończy już. #seriale
2012/02/03 04:12:18, 0
   No dobra, to odpalę sobie pilota #Downton_Abbey, podobno niezłe. Period drama w 1912? Count me in :-) #seriale
2012/01/22 01:31:05, 0
   "She is entitled to her own opinion." "She isn't until she is married, then her husband will tell her what her opinions are." Aaaa. :-) #Downton_Abbey #seriale
2012/01/23 23:36:03, 0
   "First electricity, now telephones. Sometimes I feel as if I were living in an H. G. Wells novel". Dowager-Countess jest świetna :-) #Downton_Abbey #seriale
2012/01/24 02:15:07, 0
   "Oh, my dear, in my time, I wore the crinoline, the bustle and the leg-o-mutton sleeve. I'm not in a strong position to criticise." :-)) #Downton_Abbey
2013/01/22 18:20:16 przez xmpp, 0
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