sithian: #lekturadopoduszki "To improve the conditions for operations, Wekusta 1 moved at the end of Februaly 1940 to a new base atJesau, south of Konigsberg in East Prussia". No dobrze, chyba czas na małą przerwę na sen. I pobudkę bladym świtem. |
2016/09/20 02:03:14 przez www, 0 ♥
sithian: #lekturadopoduszki "Wintry conditions in East Prussia were not always favourable for flying. As a result, between 1936 and 1938, a request was made to equip Fw 47s with skis due to the high incidence of snowfall". |
2016/09/20 01:04:22 przez www, 0 ♥