dees: [^sithian] "For, if it were not so, there would be something disappearing into nothing, which is mathematically absurd.
Aleister Crowley
The Book of Thoth" #troubledblood |
2020/09/17 14:13:40 przez www, 1 ♥
dees: "Her blonde friend had come with her: or perhaps, thought Strike, they were more than friends. An indefinable sense of closeness seemed to bind the two women, whom he judged to be around forty." #troubledblood |
2020/09/17 14:10:47 przez www, 0 ♥
dees: "Every married person he knew seemed desperate to chivvy others into matrimony, no matter how poor an advertisement they themselves were for the institution." #troubledblood |
2020/09/17 14:10:00 przez www, 0 ♥