
[^rmikke] CO?!
2019/02/21 12:38:42 przez www, 0 , 4

^rmikke: [^lafemmejuriste] My feelings exactly...
2019/02/21 12:39:45
^pea: [^lafemmejuriste] 6 części wydane w 3 tomach oidp
2019/02/21 12:49:07
^qmack: [^lafemmejuriste] [^biki] ano "Structurally, the novel is divided internally into six books, two per volume, with several appendices of background material included at the end."
2019/02/21 12:50:33
^cloudy: [^rmikke] [^lafemmejuriste] ale co? TOMY są trzy. KSIĄG jest sześć.
2019/02/21 12:51:11