
"Jacob Rees-Mogg, the harrowing outcome of a bout of hate-sex between a Dalek and a bassoon", " Priti Patel, the Shetland Pony of the Apocalypse", "Johnson’s emotional support turbot Michael Gove" - ergo trzeci już w tym tygodniu #theweekintory
2022/07/07 11:59:07 z 'London' przez www, 2 , 3

Lubią to: ^sithian, ^boni01,
^gliniany: [^gliniany] []
2022/07/07 11:59:12
^merigold: [^gliniany] Opis Reesa-Mogga jest zdumiewająco życzliwy :D
2022/07/07 12:01:18
^boni01: [^gliniany] "the Shetland Pony of the Apocalypse" <3
2022/07/07 12:14:15